hidden efficiencies of WO Automation for Radio

November 15, 2023

Uncover hidden efficiencies to get the most out of WO Automation for Radio

In today’s increasingly competitive landscape, radio broadcasters demand a strong, flexible, and user-friendly automation system to keep listeners engaged around the clock. WO Automation for Radio makes it easy to program and optimize content and ads while simplifying workflows and reducing costs.

WO Automation for Radio also has a few hidden gems – lesser-known features users may not be aware of but that can help improve efficiency.

  • Media Importer saves you time by automating the import of recorded and syndicated content
  • Insert live copy into your schedule – so everything’s right in front of your talent
  • Pitch-shifting and speed adjustment can give your station a brighter, more upbeat sound
  • The Radio Server Failover option allows you to change your failover capabilities

Leveraging features you may not be aware of can help you get the most out of WO Automation for Radio.

And there are even more useful tools you might not be aware of. 

  • Special transition codes you can insert in your music scheduler when you need something more than a simple segue:
    • VO – Voice Over
    • VP – Vocal Protect
    • DS – Double Start
  • Audio Ducking:  Automatically lower music audio levels for voice tracking or imaging
  • User Profiles: When you have staff members with different levels of skill and responsibility, you can set restrictions based on a user’s role
  • Time & Temperature Announce: The system will automatically play current time or temperature when scheduled, with temperature updated every 15 minutes
  • Automated EAS Alerts to prevent your monthly tests from interrupting a song or spot

You can find all these features in the documentation, but our support team is always available to assist you with setting up or tweaking these features.

To learn more about how lesser-known features in WO Automation for Radio can help you save time and money, view our recorded webinar or contact us.

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